UAE Economic Substance Services and Fees
Outsource your UAE company’s operational, accounting, corporate secretarial and administrative functions to our firm and enjoy the unique ‘UAE advantages’ problem free being compliant with local rules!
*** SCROLL DOWN to see our UAE Economic Corporate Substance Outsourcing Fee Packages and a Practical Briefing TO HELP YOU CHOOSE which package is appropriate for YOU ***
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Our goal is that all clients are fully aware of their obligations arising from legal and regulatory requirements relating to their UAE company/ies under our administration. As well as to provide 100% of the services needed to be fully compliant and problem-free. Full fee packages for our UAE economic substance outsourcing services are disclosed below.
The below relates to holding companies, companies trading in goods and/or services which is the vast majority of companies. For other activities (banking, insurance, IP, headquarter activities etc.) please contact us for further details.
Note: For RAK ICC Economic Substance Company Rules Please Scroll Down Or Follow This Link |
A. Activities that are required to Have Additional Enhanced Substance Arrangements
Types of Activities that are required to Have Additional Enhanced Substance Arrangements, in addition to the minimum substance requirements set out in B. below, which applies to all companies.
Service/Fee Packages are set out below for your attention.
This applies ONLY for the types of companies that whose activities caught by the new UAE legislation and regulations on substance. All other companies are not required to do anything, except the minimum as set out in B. below. The companies that are caught here are mainly companies that fall under the Distribution & Service Centre Services category (specific cases, not all, of trading in goods and services) and Holding Company category.
Note: Being required to have enhanced substance arrangements should not worry you as the law clearly states that it will adopt a pragmatic and flexible approach and connected to the size nature, value and volume of the transactions so we do not expect this to be a problem with proper planning. Also any part or all can be outsourced to our firm.
You need to be talking to us asap if your company, in 2019 or going forward conducted or going forward will conduct or you plan to conduct at any time in the future any of the below activities so we inform you of what you need to be doing:
Holding Company Activity. A Holding Company Business is subject to reduced substance requirements as follows:
- Comply with existing reporting / compliance requirements under the regulations applicable to the Licensee; and
- Have adequate employees and physical assets (e.g. premises). Directors count as employees. BASICALLY FOLLOW GUIDELINES SET OUT UNDER B. BELOW.
(A Holding Company Business is not required – although for tax purposes it is necessary – to be “directed and managed” in the UAE (unless otherwise provided for under the rules and regulations of any Regulatory Authority’s) or to have / demonstrate adequate expenditure in the UAE).
Trading in certain types of trading in goods and services (distribution and service centres)
This category captures ONLY 2 specific cases you should be concerned with – see (a) and (b) below. A “Distribution and Service Centre” Business refers to two distinct activities (a) and (b) below, that are covered under one “Relevant Activity” heading. All other cases of trading in goods and services are not caught. The vast majority of our clients in this category are not caught by these regulations.
A. Distribution Centre
A UAE entity is considered engaged in a Distribution Business if it conducts all 3 legs of the below activity:
- Purchases/buys goods from a Foreign Connected Person (related company or person); and
- Imports these goods into the UAE (so goods must be ‘customs-cleared’ in the UAE not in transit) and
- Distributes those goods outside the UAE.
All other trading is exempt from obligation to have enhanced substance (e.g. trading outside the UAE such as buying from 3rd party in one country and selling to related party in another country or any type of trading that does not involve import based on customs clearance into the UAE (transit / trans-shipment via the UAE without actual importation is not captured, buying from 3rd party foreign supplier is not caught even if there is UAE importation. Of course in these cases the requirements under B. below will apply.
All 3 above criteria have to exist to make this an activity that would require enhanced substance.
B. Service Centre
A UAE entity is considered engaged in a Service Centre Business if it:
Provides services to a Foreign Connected Person (related party); and
- Those services are in connection with the Foreign Connected Person’s business outside the UAE. All services to Related parties outside the UAE (Foreign Connected Persons) are caught here
The economic substance requirements for a Distribution and Service Centre Business are applicable to UAE entities whose main activity is distribution and/or service centre operations.
Licensees engaged in Banking, Insurance, Investment Fund Management, Lease-Finance, Shipping, or Headquarter Business may also purchase goods for, and/or provide services to foreign group companies as a normal part of their business operations. To prevent duplicate reporting, such Licensees are not also considered engaged in a Distribution and Service Centre Business.
UAE entities that purchase and sell goods from and to third parties, or that provide services to third parties, are not subject to the Regulations (as a Distribution and Service Centre Business).
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Fees for the Enhanced Free Zone Company Substance Fee Package (Enhanced Substance Package if you are caught by the Special ‘Enhanced Substance Regulations’) |
Type of Activity | Annual Fee |
Small Size Pure Holding Company with no other activities than receipt of dividends and capital gains (no management fees, royalties, loans or services or trading mixed in) – 1 subsidiary. IF they do have mixed activities add 30%. | $12,450 |
Medium Size Pure Holding Company with no other activities than receipt of dividends and capital gains (no management fees, royalties, loans or services or trading mixed in) – 2-4 subsidiaries. IF they do have mixed activities add 30%. | $14,950 |
Large Size Pure Holding Company with no other activities than receipt of dividends and capital gains (no management fees, royalties, loans or services or trading mixed in) – >4 subsidiaries. IF they do have mixed activities add 30%. | $19,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of less than 250,000 (commercial support executive for 30 hours a year) | $19,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $250,000 – $500,000 (commercial support executive for 50 hours a year) | $24,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $500,000 – $1,000,000 (commercial support executive for 75 hours a year) | $37,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $1,000,000 – $2,000,000 (commercial support executive for 125 hours a year) | $49,950 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $2,000,000 – $3,000,000 (commercial support executive for 200 hours a year) | $62,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $3,000,000 – $4,000,000 (commercial support executive for 275 hours a year) | $79,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $4,000,000 – $5,000,000 (commercial support executive for 350 hours a year) | $98,450 |
Special nature companies OR > $5,000,000 revenue companies | Will be dealt with outside this mode (e.g. with far too many accounting transactions / time-consuming complications way above the normal). The client should specify in advance or clarify if this is the case to avoid unexpected extra charges |
Important Notes:
- A separate written outsourcing agreement (as stipulated and required by law and regulation) will be signed for the below services. The agreement will contain a staff ‘non-poaching clause’ as well as necessary indemnities for our firm and other relevant terms.
- Fees relate to simple Trading Companies in goods and services and simple Holding Companies without undue complications or requested ‘special handling’. Other categories have different Pricing to be given on application.
- Fees are not subject to major negotiation as they have been costed fairly and in a balanced manner and the work involved is substantial and requires senior staff.
- Fees are payable in advance for one year and are non-refundable or transferable.
- If at any time during the course of the year it is observed that revenues/quantities increased above the agreed level a supplementary invoice will be raised to reflect this priced at the higher category plus 5% surcharge and must be paid within 30 days by the client to continue the services otherwise the agreement would be deemed as breached.
- Any fees paid to us prior for which work was not performed or was partly performed will be deducted from the first year, on a pro-rata basis.
- Additional fees for all other work performed for the company after your instructions (certifications, special advisory, VAT work, Real estate rental commissions for tenancy agreements, bank introductions, bank due diligence work KYC etc.) and not stated here below will be charged on a time-spent or agreed in advance basis.
- Disbursements to any 3rd party, VAT and other taxes not included.
- Additional charges will apply if agreed volumes/values of transactions, assets, profits, revenues or activities are exceeded by the company or technical complexities make the work a special case.
- Highly recommended actions – services or actions that are optional AND are not included below:
- UAE mobile phone (necessary for banks and authorities) of directors and owners that answer the phone
- Website of business as a normal business does and email account domain as well as business telephone line
- Obtain Residence Visa for all family members to reinforce links to UAE
- Personal expenditure in the UAE
Service Package | Service |
Company Corporate Administration | Company: Direct dedicated contact to ensure the company’s file is up to date –Safekeeping of electronic copies of the company’s primary corporate documents, as well as minutes of board meetings, contracts, powers of attorney, bank forms and statements. Assist the secretary or directors of the company to arrange the Annual General Meeting – Arrangement formalized through an Outsourcing Service Agreement. Keeping proper board of director meeting minutes at the dates the director is in the UAE (twice a year), as per UAE Corporate Law setting out strategic decisions and other decisions – to evidence management and control from and within the UAE (UAE tax residence) |
Company Secretary Support | Company Secretary – Annual compliance file review Call for the Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors meetings and compilation and issuance of board pack –Safekeeping of electronic copies of the company’s corporate documents (custody of originals will be subject to additional fees) –Drafting of minutes of meetings, Registers and other corporate documents* –Assistance with authentication and attestation of corporate documents* (*=extra charges apply) Keeping proper board of director meeting minutes at the dates the director is in the UAE (twice a year), as per UAE Corporate Law setting out strategic decisions and other decisions – to evidence management and control from and within the UAE (UAE tax residence) |
Company commercial support / Recruiting and managing employees, outsourcing of any commercial function / work can be facilitated | Allocation of X hours per month / 12X per year for a dedicated-to-the-company senior UAE-based qualified and competent executive to be involved on the commercial side (very important for commercial work to be evidenced in the UAE, not outside) and directly. This is absolutely essential to prove substance by reference to the outsourcing agreement and the timesheet records and other evidence that central commercial activities are performed in the UAE. This taken together with directors’ involvement and UAE-based work and/or Company UAE-based staff involvement provides ‘grade A evidence’. A must! – Arrangement formalized through an Outsourcing Service Agreement |
Bookkeeping (without VAT for which there will be extra charges if applicable) | Bookkeeping of transactions and preparation of annual Profit and Loss Report and Statement of Assets and Liabilities |
Financial Statement (IFRS) Preparation | Financial Statement Preparation – Preparation of IFRS Financial Statements. Financial Statements & Statutory Audit (Mandatory from Regulator). Very important for banks also going forward. |
Arrangement of Independent Statutory Audit | Includes time for providing information, documentation and explanations auditors require. Financial Statements & Statutory Audit (Mandatory from Regulator). Very important for banks also going forward. |
Provision of Premises (Boardroom only) | A must to evidence location of BOD minutes. |
Mail Collection from PO Box and Processing | Base package: scanning of hard copy mail received and provision by email to client, shredding of original mail for up to 5 items Upgrade package: redirecting of mail received to a selected forwarding address or receipt and holding of original mail for up to 5 items (both options subject to additional charges) |
Submission of Annual Notice of Compliance to the Authorities at end of each year | No or late filing is deemed as non-compliance with regulations. Very important. |
Submission of Annual Substance Report 12m after each year end | This is the most important submission where we will make sure our substance is supported by evidenced and is ‘appropriate and adequate”. Mr. Kotsomitis (our CEO) will be heavily involved personally guaranteeing the quality and effect. Also note that this tends to increase your costs but it is essential to minimize risks of fines or sanctions / international information exchange to country of parent company and UBO. |
UBO Resident VISA work (for 1 UBO, extra fees for more) | Resident VISA for all owners and managers (optional but recommended for family too) – to show local management is resident (management and control and tax residence). Critically important for banks to open or maintain accounts. Disbursements not included. |
PRO work which means messenger/intermediation services at Government offices | A must have to avoid extra charges |
UBO’s and managers Tenancy Agreements | Tenancy agreement at least for a studio (rent circa Euro 4-5K per year), to show proper local residence of managers and owners. Increasingly critically important for banks to open or maintain accounts. * Brokerage Commissions for real estate and purely real estate related services not included. |
Authority – Regulator – Govenrment Liaison services | A must for problem-free operation. |
Annual License renewal services | A must and included here. |
Guidance and meeting by our CEO | With no extra charge (for reasonable time expenditure ad as long as it relates to these services or advisory). |
Arranging for Leasing offices at the RAKEZ Freezone Building | Premises lease for the company needed. Companies with flexi-office arrangements need to upgrade to a proper office lease in the free-zone building (rent circa Euro 3K-5K per year). Critically important for banks to open or maintain accounts. |
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B. Recommended Minimum Substance Requirements applicable to ALL Freezone Companies
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(to comply to avoid regulatory banking, information exchange, tax residence and other problems and complications)
This applies to ALL FREEZONE COMPANIES weather caught by the substance regulations or not – Contact Elena Charalambous if you need our help to fulfil any of the below or to discuss
Absolutely Essential to ensure smooth operation free from regulatory or banking problems:
- Financial Statements & Statutory Audit (Mandatory from Regulator). Very important for banks also going forward.
- Keeping proper board of director meeting minutes at the dates the director is in the UAE (twice a year), as per UAE Corporate Law setting out strategic decisions and other decisions – to evidence management and control from and within the UAE (UAE tax residence)
- Resident VISA for all owners and managers (optional but recommended for family too) – to show local management is resident (management and control and tax residence). Critically important for banks to open or maintain accounts.
- Premises lease for the company needed. Companies with flexi-office arrangements need to upgrade to a proper office lease in the free-zone building (rent circa Euro 3K-5K per year). Critically important for banks to open or maintain accounts.
- Tenancy agreement at least for a studio (rent circa Euro 4-5K per year), to show proper local residence of managers and owners. Increasingly critically important for banks to open or maintain accounts.
Highly recommended:
- UAE mobile phone (necessary for banks and authorities) of directors and owners
- Local expenditure evidence in books of company (could be also directors or owners’ UAE incurred expenses air flights hotels meals anything AND should provide invoices and receipts to enter in company books)
- Website of business
- Proper commercial documentation to support bank transfers such as contracts invoices etc. ready to be produced at short notice to banks
- Avoidance of unnecessary bank and other transactions outside of the scope of the company’s main activities
- Obtain Residence Visa for all family members
Basic (normal) Free Zone Company Substance Fee Package (Basic Substance Package if you are NOT caught by the Special ‘Enhanced Substance Regulations’) |
Type of Activity | Annual Fee |
Small Size Pure Holding Company with no other activities than receipt of dividends and capital gains (no management fees, royalties, loans or services or trading mixed in) – 1 subsidiary. IF they do have mixed activities add 30%. | $8,950 |
Medium Size Pure Holding Company with no other activities than receipt of dividends and capital gains (no management fees, royalties, loans or services or trading mixed in) – 2-4 subsidiaries. IF they do have mixed activities add 30%. | $10,950 |
Large Size Pure Holding Company with no other activities than receipt of dividends and capital gains (no management fees, royalties, loans or services or trading mixed in) – >4 subsidiaries. IF they do have mixed activities add 30%. | $13,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of less than $250,000 | $12,950 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $250,000 – $500,000 | $15,950 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $500,000 – $1,000,000 | $19,500 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $1,000,000 – $2,000,000 | $24,950 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $2,000,000 – $3,000,000 | $34,500 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $3,000,000 – $4,000,000 | $37,500 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $4,000,000 – $5,000,000 | $42,500 |
Special nature companies OR > $5,000,000 revenue companies | Will be dealt with outside this mode (e.g. with far too many accounting transactions / time-consuming complications way above the normal). The client should specify in advance or clarify if this is the case to avoid unexpected extra charges |
Important Notes:
- A separate written outsourcing agreement (as stipulated and required by law and regulation) will be signed for the below services. The agreement will contain a staff ‘non-poaching clause’ as well as necessary indemnities for our firm and other relevant terms.
- Fees relate to simple Trading Companies in goods and services and simple Holding Companies without undue complications or requested ‘special handling’. Other categories have different Pricing to be given on application.
- Fees are not subject to major negotiation as they have been costed fairly and in a balanced manner and the work involved is substantial and requires senior staff.
- Fees are payable in advance for one year and are non-refundable or transferable.
- If at any time during the course of the year it is observed that revenues/quantities increased above the agreed level a supplementary invoice will be raised to reflect this priced at the higher category plus 5% surcharge and must be paid within 30 days by the client to continue the services otherwise the agreement would be deemed as breached.
- Any fees paid to us prior for which work was not performed or was partly performed will be deducted from the first year, on a pro-rata basis.
- Additional fees for all other work performed for the company after your instructions (certifications, special advisory, VAT work, Real estate rental commissions for tenancy agreements, bank introductions, bank due diligence work KYC etc.) and not stated here below will be charged on a time-spent or agreed in advance basis.
- Disbursements to any 3rd party, VAT and other taxes not included.
- Additional charges will apply if agreed volumes/values of transactions, assets, profits, revenues or activities are exceeded by the company or technical complexities make the work a special case.
- Highly recommended actions – services or actions that are optional AND are not included below:
- UAE mobile phone (necessary for banks and authorities) of directors and owners that answer the phone
- Website of business as a normal business does and email account domain as well as business telephone line
- Obtain Residence Visa for all family members to reinforce links to UAE
- Personal expenditure in the UAE
Service Package | Service |
Company Corporate Administration | Company: Direct dedicated contact to ensure the company’s file is up to date –Safekeeping of electronic copies of the company’s primary corporate documents, as well as minutes of board meetings, contracts, powers of attorney, bank forms and statements. Assist the secretary or directors of the company to arrange the Annual General Meeting – Arrangement formalized through an Outsourcing Service Agreement. Keeping proper board of director meeting minutes at the dates the director is in the UAE (twice a year), as per UAE Corporate Law setting out strategic decisions and other decisions – to evidence management and control from and within the UAE (UAE tax residence) |
Company Secretary Support |
Company Secretary – Annual compliance file review Call for the Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors meetings and compilation and issuance of board pack –Safekeeping of electronic copies of the company’s corporate documents (custody of originals will be subject to additional fees) –Drafting of minutes of meetings, Registers and other corporate documents* –Assistance with authentication and attestation of corporate documents* (*=extra charges apply) Keeping proper board of director meeting minutes at the dates the director is in the UAE (twice a year), as per UAE Corporate Law setting out strategic decisions and other decisions – to evidence management and control from and within the UAE (UAE tax residence) |
Bookkeeping (without VAT for which there will be extra charges if applicable) | Bookkeeping of transactions and preparation of annual Profit and Loss Report and Statement of Assets and Liabilities |
Financial Statement (IFRS) Preparation | Financial Statement Preparation – Preparation of IFRS Financial Statements. Financial Statements & Statutory Audit (Mandatory from Regulator). Very important for banks also going forward. |
Arrangement of Independent Statutory Audit | Includes time for providing information, documentation and explanations auditors require. Financial Statements & Statutory Audit (Mandatory from Regulator). Very important for banks also going forward. |
Mail Collection from PO Box and Processing | Base package: scanning of hard copy mail received and provision by email to client, shredding of original mail for up to 5 items. Upgrade package: redirecting of mail received to a selected forwarding address or receipt and holding of original mail for up to 5 items (both options subject to additional charges) |
UBO Resident VISA work (for 1 UBO, extra fees for more) | Resident VISA for all owners and managers (optional but recommended for family too) – to show local management is resident (management and control and tax residence). Critically important for banks to open or maintain accounts. Disbursements not included. |
PRO work which means messenger/intermediation services at Government offices | A must have to avoid extra charges |
Authority – Regulator – Govenrment Liaison services | A must for problem-free operation. |
Annual License renewal services | A must and included here. |
Arranging for Leasing offices at the RAKEZ Freezone Building | Premises lease for the company needed. Companies with flexi-office arrangements need to upgrade to a proper office lease in the free-zone building (rent circa Euro 3K-5K per year). Critically important for banks to open or maintain accounts. |
Request a Quotation for Our UAE Corporate Substance Outsourcing Services |
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On the positive side RAK ICC Companies have considerably lighter requirements and lower maintenance cost.
On the negative side:
– their activities may also be caught by the new enhanced substance regulations which apply to RAK ICC Companies as well BUT they are restricted to fulfil obligations
– they experience “image problems’ and real problems to open and/or maintain bank accounts due to their shell company / offshore / IBC non transparent ‘high-risk’ status as they are essentially paper companies which is a regime being phased out
To see if any of your activities are caught by the new enhanced substance regulations see 1.A above (applies to both Freezone and RAK ICC companies) and also the link to the MOF Q & A’s as well as the other links at the top of this document.
What you need to do if your activities are caught by the new regulations?
- You need to be talking to us so we can assist you to assess your options (if you want to keep the old RAK ICC company going forward then you need to either convert the RAK ICC into a Freezone Company or set up an additional Freezone company who will become the new shareholder of the old RAK ICC Company in order to fulfil the substance obligations by outsourcing the substance required to it OR you may want to close the company and continue with a new Freezone company OR even you may stay with the RAK ICC Company but outsource most or all of its substance obligations to us. We need to discuss and help you understand your options.
Recommended Minimum Substance Requirements applicable to ALL RAK ICC
(to comply to avoid regulatory banking, information exchange, tax residence and other problems and complications)
This applies to ALL RAK ICC COMPANIES weather caught by the substance regulations or not- Contact Elena Charalambous if you need our help to fulfil any of the below or to discuss
Absolutely Essential to ensure smooth operation free from regulatory or banking problems:
- Keeping books and record to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Level able to be produced at short notice to banks
- RAK ICC requirements for licence / reg. agent etc
Highly recommended:
- Website of business
- Proper commercial documentation to support bank transfers such as contracts invoices etc. ready to be produced at short notice to banks
- Avoidance of unnecessary bank and other transactions outside of the scope of the company’s main activities
Request a Quotation for Our UAE Corporate Substance Outsourcing Services |
Fees for the Enhanced RAK ICC Company Substance Package (Enhanced Substance Package if you are caught by the Special ‘Enhanced Substance Regulations’) |
Type of Activity | Annual Fee |
Small Size Pure Holding Company with no other activities than receipt of dividends and capital gains (no management fees, royalties, loans or services or trading mixed in) – 1 subsidiary. IF they do have mixed activities add 30%. | $7,450 |
Medium Size Pure Holding Company with no other activities than receipt of dividends and capital gains (no management fees, royalties, loans or services or trading mixed in) – 2-4 subsidiaries. IF they do have mixed activities add 30%. | $9,950 |
Large Size Pure Holding Company with no other activities than receipt of dividends and capital gains (no management fees, royalties, loans or services or trading mixed in) – >4 subsidiaries. IF they do have mixed activities add 30%. | $12,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of less than $250,000 (commercial support executive for 30 hours a year) | $12,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $250,000 – $500,000 (commercial support executive for 50 hours a year) | $16,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $500,000 – $1,000,000 (commercial support executive for 75 hours a year) | $27,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $1,000,000 – $2,000,000 (commercial support executive for 125 hours a year) | $37,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $2,000,000 – $3,000,000 (commercial support executive for 200 hours a year) | $48,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $3,000,000 – $4,000,000 (commercial support executive for 275 hours a year) | $59,450 |
Trading Companies in Goods and/or Services with a revenue of $4,000,000 – $5,000,000 (commercial support executive for 350 hours a year) | $72,450 |
Special nature companies OR > $5,000,000 revenue companies | Will be dealt with outside this mode (e.g. with far too many accounting transactions / time-consuming complications way above the normal). The client should specify in advance or clarify if this is the case to avoid unexpected extra charges |
Important Notes:
- A separate written outsourcing agreement (as stipulated and required by law and regulation) will be signed for the below services. The agreement will contain a staff ‘non-poaching clause’ as well as necessary indemnities for our firm and other relevant terms.
- Fees relate to simple Trading Companies in goods and services and simple Holding Companies without undue complications or requested ‘special handling’. Other categories have different Pricing to be given on application.
- Fees are not subject to major negotiation as they have been costed fairly and in a balanced manner and the work involved is substantial and requires senior staff.
- Fees are payable in advance for one year and are non-refundable or transferable.
- If at any time during the course of the year it is observed that revenues/quantities increased above the agreed level a supplementary invoice will be raised to reflect this priced at the higher category plus 5% surcharge and must be paid within 30 days by the client to continue the services otherwise the agreement would be deemed as breached.
- Any fees paid to us prior for which work was not performed or was partly performed will be deducted from the first year, on a pro-rata basis.
- Additional fees for all other work performed for the company after your instructions (certifications, special advisory, VAT work, Real estate rental commissions for tenancy agreements, bank introductions, bank due diligence work KYC etc.) and not stated here below will be charged on a time-spent or agreed in advance basis.
- Disbursements to any 3rd party, VAT and other taxes not included.
- Additional charges will apply if agreed volumes/values of transactions, assets, profits, revenues or activities are exceeded by the company or technical complexities make the work a special case.
- Highly recommended actions – services or actions that are optional AND are not included below:
- UAE mobile phone (necessary for banks and authorities) of directors and owners that answer the phone
- Website of business as a normal business does and email account domain as well as business telephone line
- Obtain Residence Visa for all family members to reinforce links to UAE
- Personal expenditure in the UAE
Service Package | Service |
Company Corporate Administration | Company: Direct dedicated contact to ensure the company’s file is up to date –Safekeeping of electronic copies of the company’s primary corporate documents, as well as minutes of board meetings, contracts, powers of attorney, bank forms and statements. Assist the secretary or directors of the company to arrange the Annual General Meeting – Arrangement formalized through an Outsourcing Service Agreement. Keeping proper board of director meeting minutes at the dates the director is in the UAE (twice a year), as per UAE Corporate Law setting out strategic decisions and other decisions – to evidence management and control from and within the UAE (UAE tax residence). |
Company Secretary Support | Company Secretary – Annual compliance file review Call for the Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors meetings and compilation and issuance of board pack –Safekeeping of electronic copies of the company’s corporate documents (custody of originals will be subject to additional fees) –Drafting of minutes of meetings, Registers and other corporate documents* –Assistance with authentication and attestation of corporate documents* (*=extra charges apply) Keeping proper board of director meeting minutes at the dates the director is in the UAE (twice a year), as per UAE Corporate Law setting out strategic decisions and other decisions – to evidence management and control from and within the UAE (UAE tax residence) |
Company commercial support / Recruiting and managing employees, outsourcing of any commercial function / work can be facilitated | Allocation of X hours per month / 12X per year for a dedicated-to-the-company senior UAE-based qualified and competent executive to be involved on the commercial side (very important for commercial work to be evidenced in the UAE, not outside) and directly. This is absolutely essential to prove substance by reference to the outsourcing agreement and the timesheet records and other evidence that central commercial activities are performed in the UAE. This taken together with directors’ involvement and UAE-based work and/or Company UAE-based staff involvement provides ‘grade A evidence’. A must! – Arrangement formalized through an Outsourcing Service Agreement |
Bookkeeping (without VAT for which there will be extra charges if applicable) | Bookkeeping of transactions and preparation of annual Profit and Loss Report and Statement of Assets and Liabilities |
Financial Statement (IFRS) Preparation | Not included but can be quoted on request. Very important for banks also going forward. Many banks ask for this. |
Arrangement of Independent Statutory Audit | Not included but can be quoted on request. Very important for banks also going forward. Many banks ask for this. |
Provision of Premises (Boardroom only) | A must to evidence location of BOD minutes. |
Provision of office space | Not included yet as Authority stated indicated it can be done at the company’s registered office (our offices) OR a business Centre location BUT did not clarify / confirm as yet conclusively that it will allow it to be and in writing – will quote separately, in due course (expected in the next 3 months). Until today RAK ICC companies cannot rent local premises as their activities are to be conducted outside the UAE. Should not be a problem but have to wait to finalize. Nonetheless, to avoid fines and sanctions other actions have to proceed asap as In any case it is the authorities’ responsibility to facilitate and not our choice. We will quote separately in due course. |
Mail Collection from PO Box and Processing | Base package: scanning of hard copy mail received and provision by email to client, shredding of original mail for up to 5 items Upgrade package: redirecting of mail received to a selected forwarding address or receipt and holding of original mail for up to 5 items (both options subject to additional charges) |
Submission of Annual Notice of Compliance to the Authorities at end of each year | No or late filing is deemed as non-compliance with regulations. Very important. |
Submission of Annual Substance Report 12m after each year end | This is the most important submission where we will make sure our substance is supported by evidenced and is ‘appropriate and adequate”. Mr. Kotsomitis (our CEO) will he heavily involved personally guaranteeing the quality and effect. Also note that this tends to increase your costs but it is essential to minimize risks of fines or sanctions / international information exchange to country of parent company and UBO. |
Annual License renewal services AND Registered Agent and Office Services | A must and included here. |
Guidance and meeting by our CEO | With no extra charge (for reasonable time expenditure ad as long as it relates to these services or advisory). |
Request a Quotation for Our UAE Corporate Substance Outsourcing Services |
Legal References – Click below:
(Useful for your advisors or for your OWN reference)